Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chick-fil-A: Home of the original misinformation sandwich.

I know Chick-Fil-A is really good food, not really good for you, but awesome.  Often, when I'm hungover, there is nothing that will stand between me and some waffle fries, a shake, and a chicken sandwich.  However, with the CEO coming out and saying he supports gay marriage bans, I was reluctant to return.   I mean I know it's Jesus' chicken, which is probably why it is so good, but why do people care about gay marriage so much.  I don't understand their hang up.  You could think it's morally wrong, and that's fine, but how does two men getting married or two women getting married affect you?

And don't give me that 'sanctity of marriage' bullshit.  Marriage in the present day is pretty much a facade anyways.  Yes, I know that there are some people out there who love each other, and get married and live happily ever after, wonderful.  But I know there are also people out there, like one of my friends from high school, that got married to a woman before he went in to military service because they payed married soldiers more than single ones.  This goes along with all the tax breaks and other governmental benefits that married people enjoy.  Does your God actually care that you have a marriage license approved by some governing body?  Does your God care about honoring the person you decide to be with for the rest of your life?

And I know there are probably huge holes in my rantings, but honestly, fuck off (haha). If you can give me one good reason about why gay marriage is wrong (other than citing some out of date bible verse) then I will concede to your point.  Otherwise, let them do what they want, let them adopt one of million children without parents, let them spend money on a big wedding in SanFran, let them buy a house, just let them be free to do what they want.

This is so taboo in the public eye that Chick-Fil-A, recently being established as an openly anti-gay corporation, is lying to it's customers.  The Jim Henson (creator of Muppets) Company pulled the rights for Chick-Fil-A to give Muppets toys out with it's kids meals in an act of supporting gay marriage, or maybe not supporting hate.  Chick-Fil-A restaurants now have signs posted at their restaurants saying the toys were  "recalled for safety issues".

Yeah, that's right, fill them with misinformation, keep them in the dark, people are ignorant if you stuff their faces with shitty food, put them in front of a TV with shitty news/shows....Don't leave that couch, the outside world is a scary place....Don't have an opinion, yours may conflict with another, just believe what we tell you.

Check out the story here:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Boise, Idaho and Farming at the Ranch

Hello readers,

I have recently returned from a trip to Boise, ID for a conference.  I really wasn't sure what to expect of that city, but I was relieved when I found out it was a pretty hip place.  I asked a woman at the airport, "What should I do while I'm in Boise?" She said, I should go rafting down the river, and visit at least one of the nearly 10 breweries/distilleries in the city.  Well, I got my priorities straight and visited 4 of the breweries in the city and went wading around in the river, hahaha. As always at these things, I met a lot of great people who I'm hoping to run in to in the near future, one person who lives particularly close who I'm hoping will come down for a visit for some beers and home grown veggies.  One final thing about Boise, they have the coolest library sign I've ever seen:

So I got back from Boise, excited to tend to the garden.  Turns out we had a ton of rain when I was gone so not only were the veggies doing well, but the weeds were also out of control.  My corn and cucumbers were done, so I pulled them out and turned the dirt over to get it ready for some squash and pumpkins, umm Halloween Party in the making??  Anyways, I've been harvesting tomatoes, corn, cukes, zucchini, broccoli, peppers, okra, etc...but today was mostly herbs.  I literally have a bale of basil, it smelled so good when I picked it up I wanted to carry it forever.  Here's a pic of what I picked today:

From the left: Oregano, Sage, Dill, Basil
In the foreground: Fuel, Tomatoes, Okra, and the clippers I had to use to cut the basil down...

I've also been kicking out some monster beets.  Apparently, there is a large breed of beet that is called a Mangel beets.  This one isn't anywhere near that size, but gorgeous nonetheless, they always look so cool on the inside:

I also have some blueberry bushes that are cranking out some delicious berries.  Last time we made some peach/blueberry crisp, it was sooooo good (it had some Jameson in it).

I'm so happy to be farming, I think I like it so much because I grew up doing it and it's such an essential part of life.  Most people are so disconnected from their food.  I have pity for them.  I have my father to thank for raising us kids in the country.  I hated when he made us work, but I'm glad I have the skill set to produce now.  One of the other reasons I enjoy doing this so much is because I love reading books by authors like Joel Salatin and Michael Pollan.  There is a huge movement happening with people moving away from centralized food, and I'm happy to be a part of that. REBEL!!!!!!!

Warning: Quasi-religious rant coming...

One of the other reasons I enjoy farming that I've been thinking about lately (brace yourself for a bomb) is the fact that the Sun and Earth are providing me what I need.  People may send praise to Jesus Christ or Allah or whomever, these spaghetti monsters in the sky...I personally find happiness in knowing that the Sun is providing energy, my plants are harvesting that energy, I'm consuming that energy, and the Earth is providing the resources for harvesting that energy.  Two things I can see, feel, smell, taste (obviously not the Sun, haha), that I can respect.  Some people go to church and pray, I go in my garden, recycle, try to stay efficient and not use too much energy.  Basically I consider myself a steward of the planet, and when I take care of it, it will take care of me.  Listen all I'm saying is that this makes a lot more sense to me than praying to someone(thing) that you aren't even sure is there.

So come on over, stop in for a visit, we can have some home made beer, veggies, fruit.  We can stand around and shoot the shit, we can get drunk and pass out.  I'm overly happy to have what I have and willing to share.

Cheers, Beers, and maybe some Deer (buying a rifle for deer season),
