Friday, August 17, 2012


Something that's been happening to me a lot lately is I read some news story, get my panties in a twist about what's going on, but then don't feel like coming on here to write a story about it, or voice my opinion, which I'm sure all of you totally can't get enough of...

So I've given in, and come  here today to talk about the upcoming Presidential Election.  I'm just going to pose a few statements, then talk about them, and you can express your hatred for me later.

1) Politics is a dirty game that will never be transparent or honest in any way, unless you're Ron Paul.

Ol' Ronnie has definitely showed us that he has been honest and passionate in his political career, but this doesn't win elections, or even nominations apparently.  And this honesty has definitely gone out the window in this election.  Let's face it, they're all criminals, and we are constantly choosing the lesser of two evils with this biased two-party system.  Campaigns are dominated by money, if you don't have it, you aren't in the spotlight.  I guarantee that the Presidential debates coming up will be between the Republicans and Democrats and nobody else.  Honestly, what's the issue with having other candidates there?  Back to the money issue, this is no doubt influencing the decision making of the elected party, and if you think that isn't happening, you're crazy as hell, crazier than I.  Which brings me to the next point...

2) People are fucking whiners!!

When is the general population going to realize, that with all the people living here (>300million) we can't please everyone.  And I'm not targeting either side of the argument here, I'm targeting people in general.  People who take government money, people who expect to be handed things, people who go out and spend...spend...spend, then wonder why their house is in foreclosure.  You're taking advantage of the system, and the rest of us hate you for it.  You can't get a job...oh, well maybe you should apply yourself a little harder.  This is the land of opportunity, and if you don't have any opportunity, you aren't working hard enough to see it.  On the other hand, be grateful for what you have, it could end tomorrow.

3) Everything is going to be okay.

You know, I can get pretty fired up about some political issues, and I grow tired of trying to talk about these things, because if I have a different opinion than someone I'm discussing these issues with, it's not like I'm going to change their views.  That's what Amerrrica prides itself on, the individual.  But that's just it...we all need each other, liberals need conservatives, rich need poor, pleasure with pain, etc.  If we were all the same, there would be no control, no buffer.  So as heated as the next few months are going to be with the election quickly approaching, keep in mind that we're all in this together, and Romney is a criminal. I mean, doesn't he just look like he's constantly doing something behind his back...

!!!!OBAMA 2012!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

History is made.

Does everyone realized what happened at the early hours of the morning today?  We flew a space ship over 150 million miles to the planet of MARS!!!!  Ever stop and think about what needs to happen for something like this to take place?? Obviously, lots of money, but money well spent on the minds of geniuses to expand our understanding of the universe.  Cheers to anyone and everyone involved in this.  I'm really excited to see what the rover finds!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Post 9-11 Exploits

What is "the war on terrorism"?  Can you declare war on an idea.  Look at the war on drugs, or the war on guns.  Why are we as Americans, so quick to declare war on things that we know will never be fully eradicated?

Yeah, Obama apologized for the US a couple times, are we not supposed to apologize for our jaded and grossly embarrassing past?  I'm not saying it's all bad, but come on.  We're only human after all, and apologizing isn't a way of admitting we are weak, or in some way a subordinate, it's a way of saying, "Hey, we fucked up, let's be friends".

We have one of the largest defense budgets in the world, I doubt anything will get through.  And when was the last time a war was fought on American soil?

All I'm trying to get across here, is that these people are terrorists themselves.  Using hate and fear to get you on their side.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chick-fil-A: Home of the original misinformation sandwich.

I know Chick-Fil-A is really good food, not really good for you, but awesome.  Often, when I'm hungover, there is nothing that will stand between me and some waffle fries, a shake, and a chicken sandwich.  However, with the CEO coming out and saying he supports gay marriage bans, I was reluctant to return.   I mean I know it's Jesus' chicken, which is probably why it is so good, but why do people care about gay marriage so much.  I don't understand their hang up.  You could think it's morally wrong, and that's fine, but how does two men getting married or two women getting married affect you?

And don't give me that 'sanctity of marriage' bullshit.  Marriage in the present day is pretty much a facade anyways.  Yes, I know that there are some people out there who love each other, and get married and live happily ever after, wonderful.  But I know there are also people out there, like one of my friends from high school, that got married to a woman before he went in to military service because they payed married soldiers more than single ones.  This goes along with all the tax breaks and other governmental benefits that married people enjoy.  Does your God actually care that you have a marriage license approved by some governing body?  Does your God care about honoring the person you decide to be with for the rest of your life?

And I know there are probably huge holes in my rantings, but honestly, fuck off (haha). If you can give me one good reason about why gay marriage is wrong (other than citing some out of date bible verse) then I will concede to your point.  Otherwise, let them do what they want, let them adopt one of million children without parents, let them spend money on a big wedding in SanFran, let them buy a house, just let them be free to do what they want.

This is so taboo in the public eye that Chick-Fil-A, recently being established as an openly anti-gay corporation, is lying to it's customers.  The Jim Henson (creator of Muppets) Company pulled the rights for Chick-Fil-A to give Muppets toys out with it's kids meals in an act of supporting gay marriage, or maybe not supporting hate.  Chick-Fil-A restaurants now have signs posted at their restaurants saying the toys were  "recalled for safety issues".

Yeah, that's right, fill them with misinformation, keep them in the dark, people are ignorant if you stuff their faces with shitty food, put them in front of a TV with shitty news/shows....Don't leave that couch, the outside world is a scary place....Don't have an opinion, yours may conflict with another, just believe what we tell you.

Check out the story here:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Boise, Idaho and Farming at the Ranch

Hello readers,

I have recently returned from a trip to Boise, ID for a conference.  I really wasn't sure what to expect of that city, but I was relieved when I found out it was a pretty hip place.  I asked a woman at the airport, "What should I do while I'm in Boise?" She said, I should go rafting down the river, and visit at least one of the nearly 10 breweries/distilleries in the city.  Well, I got my priorities straight and visited 4 of the breweries in the city and went wading around in the river, hahaha. As always at these things, I met a lot of great people who I'm hoping to run in to in the near future, one person who lives particularly close who I'm hoping will come down for a visit for some beers and home grown veggies.  One final thing about Boise, they have the coolest library sign I've ever seen:

So I got back from Boise, excited to tend to the garden.  Turns out we had a ton of rain when I was gone so not only were the veggies doing well, but the weeds were also out of control.  My corn and cucumbers were done, so I pulled them out and turned the dirt over to get it ready for some squash and pumpkins, umm Halloween Party in the making??  Anyways, I've been harvesting tomatoes, corn, cukes, zucchini, broccoli, peppers, okra, etc...but today was mostly herbs.  I literally have a bale of basil, it smelled so good when I picked it up I wanted to carry it forever.  Here's a pic of what I picked today:

From the left: Oregano, Sage, Dill, Basil
In the foreground: Fuel, Tomatoes, Okra, and the clippers I had to use to cut the basil down...

I've also been kicking out some monster beets.  Apparently, there is a large breed of beet that is called a Mangel beets.  This one isn't anywhere near that size, but gorgeous nonetheless, they always look so cool on the inside:

I also have some blueberry bushes that are cranking out some delicious berries.  Last time we made some peach/blueberry crisp, it was sooooo good (it had some Jameson in it).

I'm so happy to be farming, I think I like it so much because I grew up doing it and it's such an essential part of life.  Most people are so disconnected from their food.  I have pity for them.  I have my father to thank for raising us kids in the country.  I hated when he made us work, but I'm glad I have the skill set to produce now.  One of the other reasons I enjoy doing this so much is because I love reading books by authors like Joel Salatin and Michael Pollan.  There is a huge movement happening with people moving away from centralized food, and I'm happy to be a part of that. REBEL!!!!!!!

Warning: Quasi-religious rant coming...

One of the other reasons I enjoy farming that I've been thinking about lately (brace yourself for a bomb) is the fact that the Sun and Earth are providing me what I need.  People may send praise to Jesus Christ or Allah or whomever, these spaghetti monsters in the sky...I personally find happiness in knowing that the Sun is providing energy, my plants are harvesting that energy, I'm consuming that energy, and the Earth is providing the resources for harvesting that energy.  Two things I can see, feel, smell, taste (obviously not the Sun, haha), that I can respect.  Some people go to church and pray, I go in my garden, recycle, try to stay efficient and not use too much energy.  Basically I consider myself a steward of the planet, and when I take care of it, it will take care of me.  Listen all I'm saying is that this makes a lot more sense to me than praying to someone(thing) that you aren't even sure is there.

So come on over, stop in for a visit, we can have some home made beer, veggies, fruit.  We can stand around and shoot the shit, we can get drunk and pass out.  I'm overly happy to have what I have and willing to share.

Cheers, Beers, and maybe some Deer (buying a rifle for deer season),


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Joe the Local Terrorist

You may remember this fellow deemed 'Joe the Plumber' from the election in 2008, Sarah Palin going on and on about him, and most likely giving him some Santorum (google) on the side....  Now this guy is using his new found fame to run for governor.  This is one of his campaign ads where he relates gun control and the Holocaust.  Basically he says something along the lines of "If the Jews had guns, so many of them wouldn't have died".  Which is true I guess, but you're missing the point 'Joe'.

The Holocaust was about someone trying to get their piece of the pie, and killing a lot of innocent people in the process, since they were deemed to be unclean in his mind.  Using this to gain votes is crazy, I mean who is going to see this ad and say to themselves, "Oh man, another Hitler could come here tomorrow, I better change my mind about gun control.  THANKS JOE!!!".

I'm for guns, I like them.  If that makes me an ignorant redneck in your eyes, then maybe you're just a liberal jackass.  Bottom line is, you aren't going to sway people with this ad. People who are for gun control, are gonna shout "FUCK YEAH!!" at the end when you say "I love America".  But people who are against gun control, which I'm guessing will have a little higher education are just going to think you're a fucking moron.

So thanks for the laugh 'Joe', it took me away from my work for a second.

Cheers Everyone!!

Let me know what you think about this guy.


Friday, June 15, 2012

This is nothing short of bullshit

A woman was told, by the pilot, that she could not board her airplane because her shirt was offensive.  Attorneys are saying that the pilot was within his rights to tell the woman this since the shirt may have upset some of the other passengers, which would then be a "safety issue".  Check out the story, see what the womans shirt said, let me know your thoughts on the matter.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This is beyond messed up

Why is it so hard for people to see that they have their head up their ass?  I understand that a lot of people are upset with the way Barack Obama is doing things in the White House.  THAT'S GREAT!! We need people like you to keep things in check.  If everyone was on the same side, we could trail off in to some extreme world of government and society.  So first off:


Additionally, please formulate your opinion in a way that is constructive.  People like this Terry Jones guy, trying to organize a gathering of people to burn Qurans, then backing out at the request of the President, and actually earning a new car from it, are just too extreme.  They would rather sit there and whip a crowd in to a fury instead of sitting down and formulating a plan that would help out.

Like I said, I'm glad you have an opinion, but keep it in check.  Just because you have one, doesn't mean that you need to shout it from the hill tops.

Check out the story at Huffington Post, and thanks for reading my blog!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Candidates for toxicity tests.

If you're about to test the toxicity of some dangerous chemical on some innocent lab rats, please consider the following people instead.

This guy ranting about President Obama being Hitler and other things Nazi-like.

This pastor telling parents to beat their children if they think they are gay.

Thank you for your consideration, more to come.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Have we become Mother Nature?

The agricultural industry has been somewhat tumultuous every since it became an industry.  From the time that farmers started producing for the country, instead of their homestead or maybe their town, there has always been a large push toward maximizing crop and minimizing costs (since the equipment necessary now costed over 100k).  This resulted in a lot of subsidies being granted for farmers, tax breaks, low interest loans...etc.  This is what brings us to present day, the agricultural industry in shambles.  Basically, farmers are working to keep their head above the abyssal pool of debt they are swimming in.  So, instead of using equipment to cultivate their crops multiple times during the year, agricultural engineers are now genetically engineering seeds to be pesticide and herbicide resistant.  This allows the farmer to plant the seed, let it grow until the weeds around it are an issue, then treat the entire field with herbicide, killing the weeds for the remainder of the season, and allowing the crop to flourish.  Farmers are no doubt wicked happy about this, but consumers are weary.  Read the whole story on Huffington Post. An interesting article about some pretty harsh chemicals being applied to our fields.

Agent OrangeCorn

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Remains of the Tucson Debacle

So, if you're following along, a few weeks ago I was in Tucson, AZ for a conference and it was an amazing time.  Here's the rest of the story...told in a kind of interesting way, with some creative freedom on details taken to keep you reading, I'll never tell what's true and what isn't.hahaha.

He woke up to a beautiful sunrise over the Catalina Mountains, back in the west, where he felt at home.  Oddly enough, home was more than 1000 miles to the east, blanketed with vegetation.  Something about the bare land here gave him a sense of connection to the planet, and a humble feeling that released him from the extravagance of civilized life.  He found it hard to appreciate the simple things in life whilst surrounded by extravagance, but knew it was temporary, and went about the day to day schmoozing that these gatherings require.

It was the day of the exhibitors demo, people left and right trying to sell their product, little did they know, he was broke, having spent all his money on beer and cigarettes the previous night.  Putting up with their jabberjawing is not without its perks however, as these people are often willing to hand out free stuff to keep you interested, or remember their company.  "Hey, guys", said a man in a hat to a group of students discussing what matters to them, "We're about to tap a guys want a beer?".  Everyone's eyes lit up, well, it's about 3pm, that sounds like a good time to get to business. "We're over here in the parking lot."  The group herded over to the back of a pick-up truck like a pack of wolves chomping at the last piece of decaying flesh.  "Cheers to you sir", he exclaimed as he raised the brew to his lips..."Man, conferences are awesome".  The group continued to enjoy themselves as other flocked over.  One woman, however, was not having fun, so she decided that nobody could have fun and expressed her malcontent with the situation to a man in a uniform....we'll never know the words that were said.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man approaching; white shirt, walkie talkie, whistle, nametag....etc.  "He's coming over here guys. Party's over."  One last swig of juice and the man questioned, "Who's truck is this?", "I don't know" he responded.  "We got some reports of people drinking beer out of a pick-up truck in the parking lot, and we can't have that on our property".  The uniformed man was clearly just doing his job because someone higher up had hit the buzzer that was around his neck, making him jolt into action.  "Alright man, I'm not going to tell you whose truck this is, but we'll clear out of here if it's an issue.  We didn't know it was against the rules."  The uniformed man chuckled as he expressed his surprise, "I didn't know it was either until 2 minutes ago.  I'd be out here doing the same thing if I was with you guys".  He took one last chug of the cool beverage and went back to the miserable schmooze-fest.  This time, a little more cocky and punchy, as he had begun to tie one on.  A few more days of this conferencing passed by when he found himself upon the eve of his departure. One last night to enjoy this beautiful land and all the friends he had recently appended to his life.

"I have a couple more talks to go to, but I'm not sure if I want to go.  I mean, I've been listening to these things for a week now", she said as he stopped her in the hall.  "Yeah, I should probably be responsible too, but lets just go start drinking now."  She smiled and followed him over to the hotel bar where they raised their glass and set out on a night that would be their last in the desert.  Other quickly joined as they saw how much more enjoyment was being had on the patio rather than in a stuffy room, listening to the monotone of the speaker and the mundane slides designed to keep your attention.  Before they knew it, it was midnight, "You all need to clear out of the courtyard, it's after curfew", another uniformed man said as he picked up empty glasses from the pile in the middle of the table.  "You guys wanna come to the hot tub?" someone said from across the table. "That sounds like an excellent idea", he said as he lit another cigarette.  After a long soak and a few more drinks, he put on his fancy shoes and made his way back to his fancy hotel room, satisfied with the evening, and his trip in general.  He knew he was leaving the desert in the morning, and hung his head low.  Making his way through the forbidden courtyard, he found something that made his head perk up.  Two gentleman in a hot tub, being reprimanded by the uniformed man, "You guys can't be in here, the door was locked", "Yeah, I know, we had to jump the fence to get in".  He meandered up to the gentleman and exclaimed in a loud and sloppy articulation, "What's up twat-waffles?", "Watch your language sir", the uniformed man responded. "Hey man", he continued in the inebriated tone, "you can't tell me what to say.  I can tell you to fuck off if I want to...Matter of fact, FUCK OFF!".  "Adam, I don't want to get arrested by this security guard, relax", the uniformed man was clearly not ready to deal with a herd of drunken and belligerent geophysicists.  Taking what his friend had said into consideration, he grabbed his belongings and made his way back to the room, again, satisfied with what the night had brought, and content, knowing that someday he would return to the desert.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Everything is Hitler, Everything is Nazi's

Why are people so quick to relate something they don't agree with to Hitler and the Nazis?  It happens all the time.  I blame Seinfeld and the famous "Soup Nazi" episode...but seriously, no.  When someone compares a person to a Nazi, it's really just them copping out of actually forming a decent, constructive thought about the issue at hand.  It's like someone telling you, "Hey, I have a problem with the way you are doing this", and your response is "Hey, fuck you."  Instead of taking the persons criticism into consideration, you just freak out.  Same thing with the Nazi/Hitler comparison.

On the other hand.....

You know who's like Hitler............Hitler.
You know who's a Nazi..........People who followed Hitler, the Nazis.

A story about relating smoking bans to Hilters policy of making Jews wear the Star of David.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Passing of a Legend

It was posted on his website yesterday that Levon Helm is entering the final stages of cancer and is unlikely to make a recovery.  Levon was the drummer for "The Band" and went on to have many other music projects including, most recently, some solo work called "Dirt Farmer" and "Electric Dirt" which cataloged the struggles of the American farmer.  I had the pleasure of seeing Levon and his band, which included his daughter, Amy, nearly 3 years ago at the Red Rocks Amphitheater just outside Denver, CO.  If you haven't heard of Levon, or The Band, I encourage you to check them out.

Also, here's a great story by the Huffington Post, with a nice little interview with Levon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Organic and Natural products == Hazardous Chemicals

Dr. Bronners, makers of the famous universal soap, are suing multiple companies for their use of so called 'natural' and 'organic' ingredients which are actually potentially harmful petrochemicals.  Dr. Bronners is made with strictly vegetable ingredients and 100% natural and organic.


When you see something like this in the news, it's hard to escape the thought of constantly getting the shaft from corporate america.  Yet another reason why I hate money, the things that greed does to people are horrifying sometimes.  There are other things in the world that are more rewarding, more consistent, and less unclean.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Dyngus Day Everyone!

Celebrate your Polish heritage today, and if you don't have any, rest assured...

Everybody's Polish on Dyngus Day

Here's to sausages, beers, and pussy willows.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Friends, Old Friends, and Giant Rocks

It seems like every time I enter into western territories, the first thought that enters my brain is, "Dude, why aren't you living out here?"

I flew in on a late flight, 2 hour layover at Midway, couplabeers.
And I was hiiiiiiggggggh as a kite.

The SAGEEP 2012 conference is off to a great start.  Monday was filled with talks and meeting up with some old friends on the professional beat.  Making my rounds a schmoozing, keeping my foot crammed into the door jam so they can't close it all the way.  Monday night was the student event, the Barrio Brewery downtown Tucson.  Micro brews forever, delicious Mexican food, oh and this guy....

If you don't know who Phil Stokes is, you haven't lived.  Phil is a great person and a great friend always trying to bring out the best in people.  Excellent job on the student event Phil!  He even arranged for live entertainment by the Dusty Buskers, a two-piece accompanied by a seasoned gentleman playing the banjo.  An excellent show to say the least, I bought the disk and hope to share it with all my pals back on the east coast.

That's all for now, I'm going to hit the sheets.  More stories to come about us getting busted in the hotel parking lot tapping a keg, some good Chicago style pizza, and the overview of my presentation.  Thanks for checking out my business.



Sunday, March 25, 2012


Why do people enjoy beer that tastes like water? I was at Chicago Midway and at the bar, everyone else was ordering bud light, miller light,etc. I was drinking a Sam Adams. I actually challenged a woman to a taste test between bud light and miller light and she failed. Beer is supposed to be delicious, but hey, maybe these people are just trying to get drunk on the cheap, and whothefuckamI to tell them otherwise.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This is why organized religion is dangerous

At least 10 boys, sexually abused by a priest.  At least one of those 10 boys was castrated to cure "his homosexuality" even though the priest was the one performing the homosexual act.  The castration was also part of a punishment he received for informing people of the priests act.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

What are the Republicans up to?? Honestly.

This business of trying to pass laws to make transvaginal ultrasounds mandated, to let the mother hear and see the baby before performing an abortion, is nothing short of fucking insane.  How does anyone who supports this bill think that people will stand for this?

Why can't we remove ourselves from these issues, just leave it up to the parents.  When you live life and make love to someone, who you aren't married to, sometimes you have a scare.  I'm not endorsing abortion by any means, but if you support abortion cool, if you don't support abortion, that's cool too.  That's one of the great things about this country, YOU CAN BE YOURSELF. So do it, and quit trying to tell people how to live.

If we can quit bickering at each other about this stuff, we can move on to more important issues, like education and energy.  Far more important...

Peace and love.


We are of the universe

Monday, March 12, 2012

Irritated that I share a country with these people

It's okay to say "I don't know" instead of playing on your fears to give a response.

This really bugs the shit out of me... But I don't have enough time right now to write about it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


6 years ago today, I lost one of my greatest friends.  I could always count on that man to unquestionably be there for me.  It was a shame that he had to pass, he was one of the most brilliant people I know.  I'm sure he would love to see me  where I'm at today, and I know he's still around, watching over my shoulder still wearing those yellow track pants and a Rage Against the Machine t-shirt.  Miss you Joe, love you bud.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Invisible Children

Hey everyone, you may have seen this on the news, or maybe you didn't. So here it is, for your heart and your mind.  I honestly sobbed when I watched this, I hope you send this to at least one of your friends.

KONY 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Along the lines of the last post.

Kansas state sales tax on abortions

Women's Rights

Why can't we just let people do what they want with they're bodies.  If a women gets pregnant she must have in some way made a conscious decision to do it, unless she was raped in which her decision to get an abortion should be unquestioned.  Therefor, if she made a decision about her own self/body/life to have sex then she can make a decision about the next step, whatever that may be.

All this being said and all the politics about it, abortion should be a woman's choice, after all, there are too many damn people on this planet anyways.

Pat Robertson Making Sense....

Pat Robertson on the legalization of marijuana.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mitt Romney vs. Mr. Burns

This is really awesome.

A little quiz that compares quotes of Mitt(ens) Romney and Mr. C. Montgomery Burns, you might know him from TV.  Check it out, it's really hard to do actually.


P.S. I love that Ron Paul is ahead of Newt Gingrich right now.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Looking forward

So I successfully defended my master's thesis in January, and just submitted a final copy of my thesis to the graduate school.  I'll likely have that shiny crisp piece of paper to frame and hang up within about 6 months.  I've started work on my PhD degree, although it's been a slow start, finishing up the thesis, revising a paper for publication, getting ready for two conferences in the next month. I'm busy, but I really can't complain, I've got a good life going down here in South Carolina and I'm happy.

I've recently had an addition to my family, a 1.5 year old pitbull named Riley.  I picked her up from a rescue shelter in Greenville.  She was really skinny and had a bad case of kennel cough when I picked her up.  A week later she was back to get fixed, which went fine, two days later I adopted her.  She's been here ever since, a bundle of energy and always excited to see me.  She's somewhat well behaved, and learning the rules every day.  Prevail is definitely helping me out on this one, he's kind of miserable sometimes though, since all he wants to do is relax, and Riley wants to jump around and spazz.

I've started renovating the kitchen of my house with my tax return money.  Step one was building a closet to house the washer and dryer that were crudely located in the kitchen.  When you did a load of laundry, you better be sure to either not be around, or turn the TV or music up to 11.  They were really loud, which may be a hint that I need to get some new gear, but for now, they're in a closet and it's wicked quiet now, plus I have some extra space in there that I can use for storing pots/pans/etc.  The next step is to modify the wall between the kitchen and the living room to make it more open.  I haven't settled on exactly what I'm going to do yet, but it might involve moving or removing one of the doors (most likely the one to the carport) and removing a closet which is now obsolete with the addition of the new one.

And yes, there is a window in my closet.  I might leave it there, I might take it out.  What sucks about having it there is that I can't install any cupboards on the back wall, but it looks nice with the sun shining through it.  I'll keep in it the back of my mind, and maybe I'll have made a decision by the time I do the finishing work around here.

Last, and certainly not least (if anything it's a save the best for last), I purchased all the required equipment for brewing my own beer!  Propane burner, big kettle, mash tun, carboys, etc.  All together about $200 invested in the equipment.  I settled on a recipe, a La Fin du Monde clone, and picked up the ingredients.  To end my day yesterday I decided to brew.  I've learned that my setup needs some revisions. (WARNING: BEER JARGON AHEAD)  The screen I bought to strain the wort from the mash gets clogged very easily, so it took me nearly 2 hours just to sparge the mash.  I tried using a colander instead, which worked, but I got some grain into my wort, which isn't a huge issue, but it's not a desired attribute of the wort as it adds to tannin in the beer.  On to the boil, the burner that I bought was equipped with some safety BS so I took that off, turns out the design needs it for the propane to burn right, however, this thing was $50 at Lowes and the pot alone is worth that.  Speaking of the pot, after all the hops were added to the boil, it was time to cool and put it into fermentation.  The appeal of this pot was that it has a spigot on the side of it.  The spigot was easily clogged with the hops though, which made it difficult to transfer the wort.  Regardless of all these complications.......I present, beer.....

About 5 gallons worth of it, which will be about 8-9% alcohol. Checked it this morning and it's bubbling, which means the fermentation is beginning and the yeast is active.  BABY!!!  A week later, this will get transferred to another carboy for secondary fermentation where it will sit for a couple weeks to finish up.  Then it's bottling time!!

Well that's all for now, stay on the up and up.  Come visit, it's nice down here, minus the recent tornadoes.

Love to everyone.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Indoctrination and Rick Santorum

Dear Ricky (or is it Ricki/Rickey?),

College is not the indoctrination of students.  In college we are encouraged to ask questions in an attempt to better ourselves and understand our surroundings.  We are encouraged to stand up for what we believe in.  This is the complete opposite of indoctrination, look it up.

Religion however, has often persecuted any schism of thought which may let one of the their sheep stray from the flock (maybe herd).  It's really appalling to me, that you are so skewed by your own illusion of zeal that you cannot see this.

This is why so many students who come out of college don't take the BS that has been fed to them anymore, they understand that they are in control of their own lives.

So Rick, please stop rousing crowds up with your lies and conjecture.
