Saturday, June 9, 2012

This is beyond messed up

Why is it so hard for people to see that they have their head up their ass?  I understand that a lot of people are upset with the way Barack Obama is doing things in the White House.  THAT'S GREAT!! We need people like you to keep things in check.  If everyone was on the same side, we could trail off in to some extreme world of government and society.  So first off:


Additionally, please formulate your opinion in a way that is constructive.  People like this Terry Jones guy, trying to organize a gathering of people to burn Qurans, then backing out at the request of the President, and actually earning a new car from it, are just too extreme.  They would rather sit there and whip a crowd in to a fury instead of sitting down and formulating a plan that would help out.

Like I said, I'm glad you have an opinion, but keep it in check.  Just because you have one, doesn't mean that you need to shout it from the hill tops.

Check out the story at Huffington Post, and thanks for reading my blog!

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