Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Joe the Local Terrorist

You may remember this fellow deemed 'Joe the Plumber' from the election in 2008, Sarah Palin going on and on about him, and most likely giving him some Santorum (google) on the side....  Now this guy is using his new found fame to run for governor.  This is one of his campaign ads where he relates gun control and the Holocaust.  Basically he says something along the lines of "If the Jews had guns, so many of them wouldn't have died".  Which is true I guess, but you're missing the point 'Joe'.

The Holocaust was about someone trying to get their piece of the pie, and killing a lot of innocent people in the process, since they were deemed to be unclean in his mind.  Using this to gain votes is crazy, I mean who is going to see this ad and say to themselves, "Oh man, another Hitler could come here tomorrow, I better change my mind about gun control.  THANKS JOE!!!".

I'm for guns, I like them.  If that makes me an ignorant redneck in your eyes, then maybe you're just a liberal jackass.  Bottom line is, you aren't going to sway people with this ad. People who are for gun control, are gonna shout "FUCK YEAH!!" at the end when you say "I love America".  But people who are against gun control, which I'm guessing will have a little higher education are just going to think you're a fucking moron.

So thanks for the laugh 'Joe', it took me away from my work for a second.

Cheers Everyone!!

Let me know what you think about this guy.


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