Thursday, March 15, 2012

What are the Republicans up to?? Honestly.

This business of trying to pass laws to make transvaginal ultrasounds mandated, to let the mother hear and see the baby before performing an abortion, is nothing short of fucking insane.  How does anyone who supports this bill think that people will stand for this?

Why can't we remove ourselves from these issues, just leave it up to the parents.  When you live life and make love to someone, who you aren't married to, sometimes you have a scare.  I'm not endorsing abortion by any means, but if you support abortion cool, if you don't support abortion, that's cool too.  That's one of the great things about this country, YOU CAN BE YOURSELF. So do it, and quit trying to tell people how to live.

If we can quit bickering at each other about this stuff, we can move on to more important issues, like education and energy.  Far more important...

Peace and love.


1 comment:

  1. I I'm sober, and I still typed like that. I nominated you for a blog award! Check it out...
