Friday, November 19, 2010

And you may ask yourself....

Seems like every day, I change my mind at least 20 times about staying for my PhD.  I guess the real problem of staying is that I'm scared.  A lot is expected of someone with a PhD, and I'm worried about filling those shoes.  I could easily take a job, make some money, start 'big kid' life as one of my friends put it so well.  Will this decision really effect what my life turns out to be?  It's not like it's going to change my intentions for what I want out of life.  Maybe some day I'll really know what to do, until then, I'm waiting for a turn signal....

1 comment:

  1. I don't pretend to know if you should go for a PhD. I do know that you could handle it. Excel, even. Good luck with this decision!
