Sunday, November 28, 2010

Strange dream

I wanted to get this down somewhere before I forgot it.

So I'm at some sort of conference thing and this guy is talking about religion, I'm not really sure if he mentioned Jesus, but I remember he said God because this is where things started to get weird.  First of all, I was wondering what I was doing there, I must have been tricked, because any of you that know me, know I would not be attending a seminar/sermon about God willingly.
     So he's going on and says, "I own God".  To which I gave him a puzzled look and said, "You own God".  And he shook his head and gave me some reason which I can't remember and continued talking.  After some time, his female assistant came over and started talking to me and she could tell I wasn't budging on my opinions.  The man came back over and whispered something along the lines of, "Hey, I'm trying to do a show here", or something like that and gave me an envelope of money....and then told me to leave him a copy of my key to my house...(I told you it got weird.)  To this I responded, "I'm not giving you my fucking key to my house".  I threw the envelope of money at him and it spilled all over the place, showing everyone in the room what had happened moments earlier with the bribery.  Oh, I forgot to mention, the other people in the room seemed to be mostly from my high school.  I then pulled out a quote from Bill Maher (paraphrasing) and said, " Jesus wants to save you and Jesus wants to do all these nice things, but he's bad with money. Give him your money", the room erupted with laughter and applause and I grabbed my things and walked out.

     Hurrying to the elevator and getting the door closed I knew that this wasn't over.  Something was going to happen, but this is a dream, and if you think it's going to happen, it does...

So this conference was in a hotel and I thought my room was on the 4th floor, it wasn't, but there was an after-party thing for the presentation I just crashed, and everyone was there, even though I had left with haste after my brief stand-up routine.  (once again, weird)  Also, the man running the show was there, the guy that tried to bribe me and said he owned God, along with two armed guards.  I hurried to another elevator and got on only to have this kid who was getting off hold the door open for the two guards and the guy.  They had caught me and said I was in violation of some law that prevents people from interrupting presentations at this convention.  I argued my case with them momentarily, then realized the futility.  We went back to my room and they said my things would be sent back to NY and I was to come with them.  Then I woke up.

What does it mean?  I have no idea.  I also had another dream a few nights back where I encountered a bear growling and yelling at me and towering over me.  But I growled and yelled back and managed to tame it.  My dog was in that one with me, maybe he scared the bear.

I'm open to opinions on this one, so feel free to comment.  I know there's only like 5 people that read this so if I get one comment I'll be happy.  Sweet dreams.


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