Never have I been more back and forth about a decision, maybe because this one involves the next 4 years of my life, and the years to follow. Many of my friends have told me to stay in school and get my PhD, but I'm not sure what I want to do. I have been convinced to stay for a day or so, but then something inside me says, wait a minute, don't do that. And the same goes for me leaving and getting a job, I've been convinced so much that I started drafting a resume, then I'm like, wait a minute, is this what I want???
The thing that bugs me the most about this decision is that I don't even know what I'm basing my decision on. I want to stay in school because I'll learn more and be able to do what I want when I get out instead of being a desk jockey or writing reports about field work I've done for some company. If I leave with my masters, I'm more than likely going to fall into the abyss that is application of my studies, and escape the theory. No longer will I wonder why, but I'll just be reporting numbers.....
If I stay and get my PhD, I'll most likely stay in academia for the rest of my life, working as a post-doc or working as a professor. I'm really not sure how many jobs are available in industry for a geophysicist.
One thing is certain in my mind, if I do decide to stay, some things need to change. I will definitely move away from creekside drive and try to find a house to rent for cheap so I can be away from the hustle and bustle of fraternity/sorority parties and obnoxious college kids. Wow, I sound old. If I'm gonna be in Clemson for another 4 years, I need to have a place where I can relax. The only problem this presents is renting a house is a bit more expensive than my one bedroom apartment.
Either way I decide to go on this, I'll make what's best of life. Maybe that's why I'm so indecisive about this. I know that I'll excel at whatever I do, so maybe it doesn't matter what I do. I like being in school and learning, but I also like making money. But I've gotten by so far on little money, maybe it's possible. Then again, if I decide to do this PhD thing, I could always drop out if I don't like it, but man would that piss some people off... Maybe someday soon I'll figure it all out, until then, I'm stuck in perpetual thought, staying and going at the same time.
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